Orchestra Sinfonica Lucana


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The Orchestra


Orchestra Sinfonica Lucana was born in 1999 by the Orchestra da camera LUCANA, the first orchestra on the territory of Lucania founded by musicians of Potenza and Matera in 1985, and currently includes the best musicians of Basilicata and southern Italy. Orchestra Sinfonica Lucana has considerable concert activities in national and international level, having behind more than 500 concerts (it is the special guest of some important concert seasons in Italy).
The repertoire ranges from '600 up to the present day (there have been many first performances of contemporary authors), and also performs repertoire of different musical genre (film music, South American, etc..).
In 2000, on the occasion of the Great Jubilee, Orchestra Sinfonica Lucana played for SS John Paul II in the square S. Peter's in Rome.
It devotes itself also to the recovery and dissemination of works of Lucan musicians and in particular those of Francesco Stabile.
In 2006 it was legally recognized by resolution of the Regional Council of the President of the Basilicata Region.
Since 2007 it has obtained a founding from the Ministry of Heritage and Culture for the realization of Ordinary Lyrical Seasons.
Maestro Pasquale Menchise is the chief conductor of Orchestra Sinfonica Lucana

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